
Welcome to the Neuroimaging Data Modeling (NIDM) term-viewer website. We aim to provide a user friendly tool that facilitates community engagement in the neuroimaging terminology across neuroimaging communities through providing a simple tree-view display of the specification terms, allowing new terms and new neuroimaging community submission, as well as allowing terms to be exported in various formats (e.g. as a Markdown Table, JSON, JSON-LD, CSV).

About NIDM-Terms


Reuse of existing neuroscience data relies, in part, on our ability to understand the experimental design and study data. Historically, a description of the experiment is provided in textual documents, which are often difficult to search, lack the details necessary for data reuse, and are hampered by differences in terminologies across related fields of neuroscience. Our vision is to build on existing resources to create annotation and discovery tools that are based on a metadata standard expressive enough to provide unambiguous descriptions of the experimental methods and metadata. In this proposal, we develop the Experiment component of the Neuroimaging Data Model (NIDM-E), a metadata format leveraging techniques from the semantic web, capable of precisely describing information about the design and intent of an experiment, experimental subject characteristics, and the acquired data. The deliverables of this project focus on developing the terminologies to support NIDM-E and description of BRAIN datasets.

Core Project Team

David Keator - UC Irvine
Karl Helmer - MGH / Harvard
Jeff Grethe - UC San Diego
Jean-Baptiste Poline - MCGill
Satra Ghosh - MIT
Theo G.M. VanErp - UC Irvine

Getting Started

How do I submit new terms and where do they go?

NIDM-Terms is a community-driven vocabulary seeded with terms from prior neuroimaging-based data annotations and existing project. Because it is a community-driven vocabulary, we are developing step-by-step procedures for submitting new terms, community discussion around submitted terms, curration of new terms which connect them (when possible) to existing, related terms, or broader concepts putting new terms in context of other known entities. Options for submitting new terms:
  • Using suggest terms section
    • When submitting a new term through suggest terms, a JSON-LD representation of the new term and its properties will be sent as a GitHub pull request to the NIDM-Terms GitHub repository.
    • Discussion / edits to the submitted term will ensue in the typical way social coding is done in GitHub.
    • Once discussion has ended and the participating community has decided the term is appropriately well-defined for the NIDM-Terms vocabulary, it will be merged with the NIDM-Terms GitHub repository.
  • Using the NIDM-Terms GitHub repository
  • Submit via our website NIDM-Terms SciCrunch

How do I contribute to NIDM-Terms?

  • We are firm supporters of open science and inclusivity. We are always happy to have interested people involved. Below are some steps to get involved.
  • Create a free account on our NIDM-Terms SciCrunch site and click "Join the NIDM Terminology Community" link
  • Fork our NIDM-Terms GitHub repository

Term Curation and Governance

We are currently working on a governance structure for this work. We are basing it on other open science projects. Please stay tuned for more information.

WIP: Concept Use Frequency


WIP: Terms and Properties

